The painting will also be featured as the cover of Katy's new album, Teenage
For Official album cover of the song Teenage Dream by Katy Perry
Katy Perry Teenage Dream Album Cover Picture

Cover of Katy's album: Teenage Dream.
And for a better look at Katy Perry's naked Teenage Dream album cover, well,
Katy will be streaming the reveal of the Teenage Dream artwork for her fans
Photo: Katy Perry's 'Teenage Dream' album cover revealed – see it here!
Katy Perry @ Katy Perry: Teenage Dream Album Cover (Picture). Comments
Here is an alternative album cover for Katy Perry's Teenage Dream,
Katy Perry - Teenage Dream album cover
Katy Perry - Teenage Dream [Official Album Cover - Deutsch Edition],
Katy Perry Teenage Dream Album Cover Photo
KATY PERRY TEENAGE DREAM ALBUM COVER 522x522 Katy Perrys Teenage Dream Album
katy-perry-teenage-dream-album-cover. Katy Perry's “Teenage Dream” is more
Katy Perry @ Katy Perry Nude For “Teenage Dream” Album Cover. Comments
Katy-Perry-Teenage-Dream-Official-Album-Cover. KATY PERRY TEENAGE DREAM
The painting will also be featured as the cover of Katy's new album, Teenage

Katy Perry-Teenage Dream Music Video
Katy Perry revealed the cover for her forthcoming album Teenage Dream this