Monday, January 17, 2011
ear tragus piercing
Got my tragus pierced after wanting it done for 16 years!
Here's my vertical tragus piercing. My piercer had never done one before,
A successful tragus piercing depends primarily on the efficiency of the
Vertical tragus piercing with 16ga 3/8" curved barbell.
Picture 3 – Vertical tragus piercing. Source – bmezine
tragus piercing. How does it look. ITs a bit irritated.
Body Piercing (Group) · A Piece of Me (Group) · Blue Eyes (Group)
Jewelled clawset tragus circle studs for ear piercings
Tragus Piercing Pictures
Tragus Piercing Pictures
Left ear (tragus not all healed) #1: added a snug #2: added a rook
My 3 left lobe piercings, my tragus, and my helix:
Body Piercing (Group)
Tragus. tragus piercing. The tragus is the part of the ear that many people
Tragus Piercing by harder_faster on flickr (click)
does anybody else have their tragus' pierced?
Hence, allowing many ear piercing options to choose from.
ear (Small) My tragus piercing
Me getting my ear pierced It was VERY painful! It was on the tragus (the
Tagged with tragus, piercing, ear, samsung .
12:11 AM