Blue Fractal Art Wallpaper 1 by ~axys93 on deviantART

Tags: HD HQ Wallpapers, Mac Apple Wallpapers, Wallpapers

I needed a new wallpaper for my desktop and I prefer minimalistic ones.

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The Seasons by ~piimapakk on deviantART

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I've seen that wallpaper on deviant art I think, but it was light blue.

The lovely work was brought together by Deviant Art member ikghassassin.

Deviant Art is such a fantastic place to check out for inspiration and art

chicho21net on deviantART

Fender Graphic art Wallpaper by ~RupertWarries on deviantART

Check my deviant art for wallpapers

well thought out Wallpaper was done by PSYCHOPULSE over @ Deviant Art

Batman: Arkham Asylum wallpaper artwork thanks to Deviant Art user GRP 2009

deviantart wallpaper by ~Imko on deviantART

May wallpaper by ~xanthousis on deviantART Resolution: 1778×1333

Deviant Art is a good source for all custom extra plugins and wallpapers.

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The last for today is maybe the best one - widescreen wallpaper of Brendon